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Copyright Blackwater Ocicats 2006-2014
Ocicat the Breed |
From the beginning humans have always been fascinated by WILD cats. The majestic beauty of these cats have made people want to tame them for a pet. Over the years people have realized that WILD cats do not make good pets. So with the Ocicat you have that WILD look with the MILD personality of a totally domesticated cat.
Information can be gathered at several sites. CFA is a good place to start, this ARTICLE will give you some history and information about the Ocicat.
A site put together by reputable Ocicat breeders has
addition INFORMATION with links to the standard and profile of the Ocicats.
CFA site has all types of information including show
SCHEDULES, this is a fantastic place to meet Ocicat breeders and to see the Ocicat in person.
Ocicat breeders have several email lists that keep us all
current with information and news about the Ocicat. The
OCILIST was started by Ocicat breeders in 1998 to keep everyone up to date on our breed it is the list to join if you are truly interested in the breed.
OCICAT is a list that is public and helps with casual questions concerning the breed.
FANCIERSHEALTH is the most important list for people truly interested in the health of their feline, for the breeder and lay person alike.
This is an excellent book by one of the more famous Ocicat breeders. Bill McKee was instrumental in getting the Ocicat accepted by CFA. He also had the first Ocicat Grand Champion GRC Dalai's Golden Cavalier of Ociville. Ociville, Bill's cattery name, can be found in many of today's pedigrees of top Ocicat winners in the country. The majority of top Ocicat catteries can trace their cats back to something from Bill's breedings.

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